Services > Cleaning & Recovery

Cleaning of Electronics Assemblies and Components

In addition to cleanliness testing, we also have the capability to clean components, including bare boards, housings, and finished assemblies.

Using a variety of methods (or customizing to suit your needs), we can assure that your product is clean and prepared for reliable field performance. Whether needs involve cleaning of the total board area or only a specific, localized site, we have the tools and knowledge to complete the task.

Our Process

Once cleaning is completed, results will be validated by certified IPC 610 visual inspection as well as ion chromatography analysis. A certificate of compliance will be provided with each return shipment. If required, each cleaned board can be marked. 

Our Capabilities

We have the capabilities of steam cleaning in both batch and inline cleaners. Our protocol is qualified to IPC ANSI-J-Std 001 for water-soluble flux cleaning and cleaning of no-clean flux residues. The systems are designed for low-pressure, high flood saponified cleaning and are used in conjunction with isolated steam, allowing us the flexibility to clean a variety of products with a variety of contaminants. Using our cleaning systems, we are able to handle a range of projects as small as one sample up to hundreds of thousands of assemblies. Our techniques are proven not to degrade Brady labels, legending, or marking inks. We can customize our cleaning process to adjust for parts that are water-intolerant. All IPC-directed ESD protocols are followed for protection of your product.