Video Blog: An Inside Look At Foresite Consulting

Sometimes when we approach issues in electronics reliability, solving the problem requires someone with the expertise to visit your facility and examine your process as it happens. In this video, Foresite lead investigator Paco Solis describes how we perform on-site consulting for our customers, including 

  • Ion chromatography

  • Spot extraction

  • Front to back process inspection

Our consultants also perform process audit and optimization, on-site training, as well as process qualification, validation, monitoring, and assessment. Learn more about our approach in the video below, and contact us if you would like additional information.

Video Transcript 

Part of the consulting we do at Foresite is looking at our customer’s line, and looking from the beginning of the line to the end of the process, picking up key locations that would introduce contamination to their system - as well as looking at their failures, and figuring out what the problem was and where it came from in their process.

This is a Dionex DX 3000 with an autosampler….

Our chief tool is ion chromatography – looking at positively and negatively charged atoms that may be in water and solutions on their product. We’ve used everything from scanning electron microscopy to energy dispersive x-ray as well as Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy.

As a Foresite employee, we like to be an advocate for our customers because we’re on the customer’s side. If they come to us with a problem, we want to make sure we solve that problem for them and make them a more profitable company.

One of the things we do go in with is the ability to do spot extraction, which is something that very few labs can do. So we’ll actually take our equipment in, and when we do a front-to-back inspection of the process we can do select spot extractions of contamination on their products.

The nature of failures and recalls is huge in this industry. If we can prevent one customer from having a recall, or prevent them from having the next recall, we were successful.


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