The 8 Acceptance Specs You Should Know

The residue testing industry is somewhat lacking in good cleanliness specifications for assemblies and bare boards. This is mainly because the information to seek for a specific case is entirely dependent on the case. However, if you want to get familiar with the basics, these are a good start:


1) J-STD-001 for assemblies
2) J-Handbook-001 as a tutorial for assembly
3) IPC-A-610 for assemblies
4) IPC-PE-790 Process Effects Handbook
5) IPC Process Troubleshooting Guide
6) J-STD-004 for fluxes and pastes
7) J-STD-002 and -003 for solderability
8) IPC-A-600, IPC-6011, -6012 for bare boards


If you would like to initiate your own specifications and need assistance, please contact us.


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